Hello! My name is Dr. Glen Veed and I am a licensed clinical psychologist licensed in the state of Illinois and living in Chicago. I hold an active PsyPact license which allows me to provide services via Telehealth to clients in 40+ states. I completed my graduate training at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, NE with an emphasis in Child and Adolescent Cognitive-Behavioral therapy and assessment. For many years, I have primarily specialized in working with children, teens, and adults with anxiety disorders and OCD. Over the years, I developed a specialty in helping autistic youth and adults who also have anxiety disorders. Now I am proud to bring some of that expertise to conducting assessments with Prosper Health clients!
Way back in graduate school my very first real client was someone who today would be recognized as autistic but back then was falling through the cracks. I have always had a passion for helping underrecognized or minoritized individuals to receive the benefit and recognition they deserve from the mental health field and beyond. When I learned about the mission of Prosper Health, I knew it was a fantastic opportunity to expand my reach and I have been very proud of what we've been able to accomplish so far!
Psychology and mental health have a dark history of overlooking and even mistreating groups of people that have been seen as "different' over the years. I consider it paramount for psychologists like myself to recognize that all people have their own unique strengths and value, regardless of what they have been told by society and the mental health field in the past. In addition, the evidence is clear that recognizing and affirming someone's individuality and perspective on the world enhances and improves their experience AND benefits the broader society. It's a win-win for everyone and it's the right thing to do.